Application of Quantitative Grain Fluorescence Techniques to Fluid Identification in Tight Reservoir—A Case Study of Structure BZ-A in Huanghekou Sag
Graphical Abstract
Conventional well logging data is not sufficient and effective for identification of tight oil reservoirs correctly. In this case of the Structure BZ-A in the Huanghekou Sag, quantitative grain fluorescence technique (QGF and QGF-E) is adopted, with the support of logging and testing data, to identify fluid properties in tight reservoirs of the Shahejie Formation on Structure BZ-A of the Huanghekou Sag. Results show that the current oil-water interface in well BZ-A-2 is close to the depth of well logging. The base line of oil layers is around 70 pc in the studying area. Therefore, most of the oil zones detected by well logging data is above 70 pc and all water layers are below 70 pc. Dry layers in the upper section of the Member Sha1 and oil zones in the lower section have been detected by QGF-E data, but missed in well logging data. In conclusion, the quantitative grain fluorescence technique is a new and effective mean for detecting hydrocarbon bearing layers in tight reservoir.