
    Spatial differences and formation conditions of beach mudding and blackening in Sanya Bay

    • 摘要: 三亚湾海滩泥黑化问题由来已久,严重影响了三亚市旅游资源可持续发展,受到社会各界的广泛关注。通过水动力数值模拟、现场原位观测和取样分析等手段,系统地研究海滩泥黑化空间差异及形成条件,可为海滩综合整治提供科学依据。三亚湾海流主要为EW向往复流,海湾中部与外部均以落潮优势为主,最大流速可达1.0 m/s,湾内涨落潮流速均<0.1 m/s,最大余流流速更是低至0.02 m/s,局部地区如天涯海角与鹿回头南侧存在流速高值区,其中天涯海角处余流为离岸运动。基于野外实地踏勘与室内测试分析结果发现,三亚湾东、西部海滩的泥黑化程度相对中部较高。可将整个海湾划分为东部条带黑化区、中部正常区和西部斑状黑化区,由东至西各分区钛铁矿平均含量分别为0.35%、0.58%和2.08%,有机碳平均含量为0.20%、0.10%和0.07%,总氮平均含量为0.011%、0.006%和0.004%。三亚湾海滩西部黑化主要是由于重有色矿物钛铁矿的机械搬运与分选富集,其物质来源于马岭滨海钛铁砂矿,该处波浪能集中,钛铁矿经波浪悬扬后在EW向潮流的往复搬运下到达周边岸滩引起海滩黑化;有机质在厌氧菌作用下与细颗粒泥沙胶结后形成腐泥,使三亚湾东部海滩变黑变硬,污染物主要来源于局地生活污水排放与海底污泥再悬浮搬运,该海域海水自净能力低下是海滩黑化的重要促进因素。


      Abstract: The beach mudding and blackening in Sanya Bay, Hainan Island, South China has been a problem for a long time, which seriously affected the sustainable development of local tourism resort and caused widespread public concern. Through hydrodynamic numerical simulation, on-site in-situ observation, and sample analysis, we conducted a systematic research on the spatial differences and formation conditions of beach mudding and blackening to remediate the beach. The numerical simulation of tidal currents showed that the currents in Sanya Bay are mainly east-west reciprocating. Both the central and outer parts of the bay are dominated by ebb tides, and the maximum flow velocity can reach 1.0 m/s, whereas the fluctuating tidal velocity inside the bay is less than 0.1 m/s, where the maximum residual current is as low to 0.02 m/s. In some areas, such as Tianya Haijiao and the south side of Luhuitou, there are areas with high flow velocity, and the residual current is offshore movement in Tianya Haijiao. In addition, field survey and lab analysis showed that the degree of blackening in the east and west beaches of Sanya Bay is relatively higher than that in the central part. The entire bay can be divided into eastern stripped blackening zone, central normal zone, and western patchy blackening zone. The average content of ilmenite from east to west zone is 0.35%, 0.58%, and 2.08%, and the average content of organic carbon is 0.20%, 0.10%, and 0.07%, the average total nitrogen content is 0.011%, 0.006%, and 0.004%, respectively. The blackening of the west beach is mainly due to the mechanical transportation, sorting, and enrichment of non-ferrous mineral ilmenite. The material comes from the Maling coastal ilmenite placer, where the wave energy is concentrated. Under the strong waves, ilmenite grains could reach and blacken the surrounding beaches under the reciprocating movement of east-west tidal currents. The organic matter is attached to fine-grained sand to form sapropel under the works of anaerobic bacteria, which makes the eastern beaches of Sanya Bay black and stiff. Pollutants are mainly from the local domestic sewage discharge and the resuspension of submarine sludge; the low self-purification ability of sea water in this coastal area is an important factor in aggravating beach blackening.


