
    Key techniques for slant streamer wide-band and wide-azimuth seismic data processing and their application to P Gas Field of Xihu Sag

    • 摘要: 西湖凹陷P气田应用斜缆宽频+多船宽方位的采集方式,产生了连续变化的鬼波陷波频率,最大程度地压制了鬼波,得到了高信噪比和高保真度的宽频宽方位地震资料。针对西湖凹陷P气田斜缆宽频地震资料,采用了子波零相位化及去气泡处理技术,一维滤波算子求逆有效压制震源鬼波技术和稀疏 τ-p反演方法有效压制接收器鬼波技术,有效地去除了多次波,拓宽了低频和高频信息,提高了地震资料的信噪比和分辨率。通过对实际资料对比分析,认为此方法可以得到较好的处理效果,可以提供较为真实的地震剖面,从而更好的指导生产。


      Abstract: In the P Gas Field of the Xihu Sag, the slant streamer broadband and multi-ship wide azimuth acquisition techniques are applied, which produced continuously ghost waves with various trap frequencies. Efforts are devoted to suppress the ghost wave as much as possible to obtain the broadband wide azimuth seismic data with high signal-to-noise ratio and high fidelity. The wavelet zero-phase and de-bubble processing techniques are adopted. As the results, the one dimensional filter operator inversion technique and sparse τ-p inversion technique suppressed effectively the ghost waves of seismic source, removed the multiple waves, broadened low-frequency and high-frequency information, both the signal-to-noise ratio and the resolution of seismic data are improved. Through comparison with actual data, it is concluded that this method can obtain better processing results, and produce better seismic profiles.


