
    The Impact of Water Injection Simulation on CO2 Storage Capacity in Offshore Saline Aquifers

    • 摘要: 连续或交替向咸水层注水能够加速CO2溶解并提高CO2咸水层封存安全性,同时也会干扰CO2羽流空间发展从而间接影响地层实际封存能力,而工程方案对此问题的考虑还较少。本文模拟了开放式咸水层单井注气作业条件下,多种注水方案以及关键工艺参数对封存安全性和地层实际封存能力的影响。结果表明,注气开始后一段时间内通过在注气井段上方持续注水能够显著提高CO2封存强度,增加地层实际封存能力,开始注水时刻越晚,封存强度提升作用越小;同步注水速率越大,实际封存能力提升越明显;停止注气后继续延长注水时间对实际封存能力的影响需要结合实际工况讨论;在注水总量一定的前提下,注气阶段高速率注水比低速率延长时间注水对实际封存能力的提升效果更好;随着注水层位与底部注气层位间距的减小,注水对实际封存能力的提升作用增强;注水还能够有效降低注入井附近地层中CO2饱和度,有利于降低井筒泄露风险。


      Abstract: Continuous or alternating water injection into saline aquifers can accelerate CO2 dissolution and increase the safety of CO2 storage. However, the hydrodynamic effect may interfere with the development of CO2 plumes, affecting indirectly the actual storage capacity of the aquifer, to which available engineering solution remain very limited. We studied the potential water injection strategies and the influence of key operational parameters on the storage safety and capacity during CO2 injection using a single well in an open saline aquifer. Results show that continuous water injection above the gas injection layer after a certain period could enhance significantly the storage intensity and increase the capacity. The early the water injection starts, the better the results. The storage capacity increases with the increase in water injection rate during gas injection. The temporal effect of water injection post gas injection on storage capacity needs to be evaluated case by case. Under a given total water injection volume, high-rate water injection during gas injection is more effective to enhance the storage capacity than low-rate and prolonged water injection. Reducing the spatial interval between the water injection layer and gas injection layer could enhance the actual storage capacity. Meanwhile, water injection could effectively reduce the CO2 saturation near the injection well, and mitigate the risk of wellbore leakage.


