
    Geological Conditions and Prospects for CO2 Storage in the Cenozoic Strata of the Yantai Depression, South Yellow Sea Basin

    • 摘要: 海域咸水层二氧化碳封存是碳减排的有效途径,可为沿海地区实现碳中和背景下的可持续发展提供技术支撑。南黄海盆地烟台坳陷与沿海碳源分布空间匹配较好,是潜在的二氧化碳封存区。本文分析了烟台坳陷二氧化碳封存地质条件,通过建立地层体积模型约束计算过程预测了新生界咸水层封存潜力,评价了该区二氧化碳封存前景。结果表明,烟台坳陷作为NEE向发育的地堑式或半地堑式的凹陷群,其新生界发育4套储碳—封盖组合,地壳稳定性较好,具有较低的地温梯度与大地热流值,属于“冷盆”特征,总体具有较好的二氧化碳封存地质条件;烟台坳陷800~3 200 m深度咸水层二氧化碳封存潜力平均为99 Gt,二氧化碳封存潜力巨大;烟台坳陷新生界主要发育逆冲背斜、重力滑塌背斜、挤压背斜、断背斜和断块构造等5种类型的构造圈闭,平面上发育4个封存有利区,具有较好的二氧化碳地质封存前景。相关评价结果可为未来的二氧化碳离岸地质封存场地选址研究提供科学依据。


      Abstract: Offshore saline aquifer CO2 storage is an effective approach for reducing carbon emissions and offers technical support for the sustainable development of coastal regions within the framework of carbon neutrality. The Yantai Depression in the South Yellow Sea Basin aligns well with the distribution of coastal carbon sources, making it a promising area for potential CO2 storage. This study analyzes the geological conditions for CO2 storage in the Yantai Depression of the basin. A stratigraphic volume model was established, and constraint calculations were applied to predict the storage potential of the Cenozoic saline aquifers, followed by an evaluation of CO2 storage prospects in the region. The results show that the Yantai Depression, which comprises a series of NE-trending graben and half-graben depressions, contains four carbon storage-caprock assemblages in the Cenozoic. The region exhibits strong crustal stability, a low geothermal gradient, and low heat flow, characteristic of a "cold basin." These factors contribute to favorable geological conditions for CO2 storage. The storage potential of CO2 in the 800~3 200 m deep saline aquifers of the Yantai Depression averages 99 Gt, indicating a substan tial storage capacity. Structurally, the Cenozoic strata of the Yantai Depression is defined by five types of traps: thrust anticlines, gravity-sliding anticlines, compressive anticlines, faulted anticlines, and fault blocks. Four favorable storage zones have been identified, highlighting the strong geological potential for CO2 sequestration. These findings provide a scientific basis for future site selection studies for offshore CO2 geological storage.


