
    Detailed characterization of shallow marine turbidite sand bodies using RGB attribute fusion and FCM clustering algorithm: a case study of the X gas field in the Yinggehai Basin

    • 摘要: 浅海浊流沉积体系控制下X气田浊积砂体沉积特征复杂、空间展布不清,制约着油气资源的开发。基于测井、岩芯、三维地震等资料,联合分频RGB属性融合技术与FCM聚类算法开展浊积砂体精细表征,取得以下3点认识:①研究区浊积砂体表现出强振幅高连续性的地震反射特征,15、35、55 Hz分频地震属性切片的RGB融合效果与浊积砂体的空间展布响应程度最佳,砂体预测厚度与实际钻遇砂体厚度较为吻合,相关系数R2约为0.94;②FCM算法能够完成优选地震属性的有效聚类,依据5个聚类组的平面特征,初步划分出3类浊积砂体;③研究区泥质沉积背景上发育带状侧积体、环状侧积体、水道堤岸、水道-分支水道、近端朵体、远端朵体6类沉积单元,预测环状、带状侧积体、远端朵体为有利砂体。


      Abstract: The deposition characteristics of turbidite sand bodies in the X gas field, controlled by shallow marine turbidity current sedimentary systems, are complex and spatially distributed unclearly, which restricts the development of oil and gas resources. Based on well logging, core, and 3D seismic data, this study employs frequency decomposition RGB attribute fusion technology combined with the FCM clustering algorithm to achieve a fine characterization of turbidite sand bodies, leading to the following three findings: ① The turbidite sand bodies in the study area exhibit strong amplitude and high continuity in seismic reflection characteristics. The RGB fusion results of frequency-decomposed seismic attributes at 15 Hz, 35 Hz, and 55 Hz best respond to the spatial distribution of turbidite sand bodies, with the predicted sand body thickness closely matching the actual thickness encountered during drilling, showing a correlation coefficient (R2) of approximately 0.94. ② The FCM algorithm effectively clusters the selected seismic attributes, preliminarily dividing the turbidite sand bodies into three categories based on the planar features of five clustering groups. ③ In the muddy sedimentary background of the study area, six sedimentary units are developed: banded lateral accumulation bodies, annular lateral accumulation bodies, channel banks, channel-branch channels, proximal blob bodies, and distal blob bodies. annular and banded lateral accumulation bodies, as well as the distal blob bodies, are predicted to be favorable sand bodies.


