
    New progress of research on marine stratum in the southern part of South Yellow Sea Basin

    • 摘要: 以南黄海盆地南部为研究区,二叠系上统—三叠系下统为研究对象,根据近年来新采集和处理的二维地震资料,对该区域的海相构造层进行了深入分析,取得了一些新的地质认识。研究表明:南黄海盆地南部广泛发育早三叠世—晚二叠世地层,最大残留厚度超过3 000 m;海相构造层的断裂系统主要呈NW—NWW和近EW走向,发育海相中—古生界的挤压断裂体系和陆相中—新生界的拉张断裂体系;根据断裂发育时间,可将其活动期次划分为印支期和燕山-喜山期;同时,根据断裂的平面展布及组合特征,可划分出4类构造样式和9种断裂组合。通过对油气地质条件的分析认为,上古生界是南黄海盆地南部海相构造层的油气勘探方向。该研究成果为南黄海海相油气勘探提供了新的拓展区域。


      Abstract: This study focuses on the southern part of the South Yellow Sea Basin, targeting specifically at the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic layers. Utilizing newly acquired and processed 2D seismic data, the research provides an in-depth analysis of the marine facies in the study area, and explores the potential directions for oil and gas exploration. Results indicate that the Late Permian to Early Triassic strata are extensively developed in the study area, exceeding 3 000 m in the maximum residual thickness. Fault systems in the marine facies are mainly in NW-NWW and near-EW directions, comprising both compressional fault system in marine Meso-Paleozoic and extensional one in the terrestrial Meso-Cenozoic. The fault activity could be categorized into the Indosinian and Yanshan-Himalayan epochs. Based on the planar distribution and combination characteristics of the faults, four structural styles and nine types of the fault systems were recognized. By analyzing the geological conditions of oil and gas, we believe that the marine facies of the Upper Paleozoic should be the main target as a novel prospective area of oil and gas exploration in the southern part of the South Yellow Sea Basin.


