
    Variations of hydrological characteristics off the Yellow River estuary induced by the “7. 20” rainstorm flood

    • 摘要: 在全球变暖的背景下,以暴雨洪水为代表的极端天气事件的频率和强度显著增加。暴雨洪水不仅对人类社会和自然环境产生深远的影响,还极易改变陆源物质向海输送通量,引起水沙扩散格局的变化,对河口演变至关重要。2021年7月17—23日,河南省郑州市及其周边地区遭遇特大暴雨事件,在黄河下游形成了为期1周的暴雨洪水事件。本文通过实测资料,结合卫星遥感手段,探讨了洪水前、洪水初期、洪水后期和洪水后的黄河口水文特征、水体层化结构与动力机制。结果表明:暴雨洪水期间利津站的日均径流量为1.95×108 m3,输沙量为1.58×106 t,分别是洪水前、后的2.71倍和9.38倍;由于高流量持续时间与洪水周期均短于调水调沙的调水阶段,因此本次暴雨洪水的入海水沙通量略低于调水阶段;暴雨洪水注入导致黄河口的浊度和盐度在洪水期间发生了显著变化,浊度的最高值和高浊度范围明显变大,冲淡水呈NW—SE向向外海扩张,但在潮流切变锋等因素的影响下,泥沙在河口近岸迅速沉积,扩散范围远小于冲淡水;与人工洪水相比,暴雨洪水对河口盐度的影响相对较小,羽流扩散范围较为局限,泥沙扩散范围与人工洪水差异较小,符合潮流切变峰阻隔下入海泥沙的沉降范围;洪水的汇入还造成了河口地区较高程度的水体层化,水体浮力频率最高可达到0.1 s−2以上,与洪水后的浮力频率值有着量级上的差异。


      Abstract: The frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as extreme rainstorm floods have been increasing significantly with the global warming. Rainstorm floods could not only have profound impacts on both human society and the natural environment, but also change the fluxes of terrestrial materials to the sea, causing the diffusion path and range of water flow and sediment, which is very significant for the evolution of estuaries. An extraordinary rainstorm event occurred in Zhengzhou, Henan on July 17-23, 2021, causing severe flooding in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Based on measurement data and satellite remote sensing, we discussed the hydrological characteristics, stratification structure, and dynamic mechanism of the Yellow River Estuary before and after the flood and in the early and late stages. Results show that the average daily runoff at Lijin station was 1.95×108 m3 and the sediment transport amounted to 1.58×106 t during the flood, which is 2.71 times and 9.38 times of that in non-flood period, respectively. Since the duration of high flow and flood cycle were shorter than those during the period of the water-sediment regulation scheme (WSRS), the runoff and sediment flux into the sea during this rainstorm flood is slightly lower than that of the WSRS. Moreover, the turbidity and salinity of the Yellow River estuary changed significantly during the flood, which were associated with the enormous water and sediment discharge of the Yellow River. The turbidity increased obviously and the range of high turbidity zone became wider. In addition, diluted water expanded to the surface to the northwest and southeast directions. However, sediments were blocked by the tidal shear front near the coast, which narrowed the diffusion range of sediments significantly. Compared with artificial floods, the impact of rainstorm flood on estuarine salinity was relatively small, the plume diffusion range was relatively limited, and the sediment diffusion range was less different from that of artificial flood, which is in line with the sedimentation range of sediment entering the sea under the barrier of tidal shear front. The runoff of the flood event also caused a high degree of water stratification in the Yellow River estuary. The buoyancy frequency of the surface water mass could reach more than 10−1 s−2, which was an order of magnitude difference from the buoyancy frequency after the flood. However, the buoyancy frequency of the middle and bottom water column change less during and after the flood, which is mixes well than the surface water column.


