
    Application of double-index of sand content and fineness modulus for the ore delineation and resource estimation in a backfilling marine sand mine in Guangdong

    • 摘要: 海砂圈矿指标是海砂资源储量估算的核心内容,对海砂资源的勘查、出让、开采和监管等工作均有十分重要的意义。本文在总结大量海砂勘查工作实践经验的基础上,提出了在海砂勘查工作中采用含砂量和细度模数双指标进行圈矿,并以广东某海域回填用海砂矿区为例,对比了单指标(含砂量≥50%)与双指标(含砂量≥50%,细度模数≥0.7)圈矿的实际应用效果。结果表明,仅采用单指标(含砂量≥50%)圈矿,容易造成估算的资源量偏大;采用双指标(含砂量≥50%,细度模数≥0.7)圈矿,不仅要求含砂量达标,而且要求砂的粗度达标,可有效避免粒度极细的砂被大量圈矿,保证了所圈定的海砂矿体的开采价值,较单指标圈矿更加科学和具有现实意义。


      Abstract: The ore delineation index of marine sand is the core content of marine sand resource estimation, which is of great significance to the investigation, exploitation and supervision of marine sand resources. Based on extensive pratical experience in marine sand investigation, a system using sand content and fineness modulus to delineate ore for marine sand investigation was proposed. Taking a marine sand mining area for backfill in Guangdong as an example, the application of ore delineation with single-index (sand content ≥50%) and double-index (sand content ≥50% and fineness modulus≥0.7) in delineating ore was compared. Results show that using the single-index method could easily result in overestimation of reserve. However, using double-index method requires the sand content to meet the standard, and ensures the coarseness of sand to be up to standard, which could effectively avoid excessive amounts of extremely fine-grained sand from being delineated as ore, thus ensuring the mining value of the delineated ore bodies. Therefore, double-index method is more scientific and practical.


