
    Paleoenvironment of Lower Member of Minghuazhen Formation in Laibei low uplift, Bohai Bay Basin

    • 摘要: 针对渤海湾盆地莱北低凸起明化镇组明下段沉积古环境特征不清楚,油气地质意义不明确等问题,本文综合利用微量元素以及古生物资料开展了古气候、古盐度、古氧化还原以及古水深等几个方面的研究。结果表明:Li元素、Ga元素、Sr元素丰度以及Sr/Ba和Th/U等微量元素比值指示明化镇组明下段整体属于淡水环境;对温度和湿度敏感的孢粉组合、反映沉积岩风化强度的蚀变指数(CIA)以及Sr/Cu、Rb/Sr微量元素比值均指示明化镇组明下段气候处于温寒过渡带;钴元素含量分析认为,明下段古水深介于2.10~12.75 m,平均古水深为6.15 m,指示浅水环境;δU和U/Th值法、V/(V+Ni)、V/Cr及Ni/Co比值法以及Ce/Ce*和Eu/Eu*比值法证实,明化镇组明下段为弱还原-氧化环境。上述气候背景、稳定的构造、平缓的古地形以及充足的物源等地质因素的耦合为浅水三角洲的发育创造了条件;同时,莱北低凸起明化镇组明下段凹隆相间的构造格局为形成规模油藏提供了有利支撑。


      Abstract: The characteristics of ancient sedimentary environment and the geological significance of oil and gas in the Lower Member of Minghuazhen Formation in the Laibei low uplift of the Bohai Bay Basin remain not clear. We utilized comprehensively the trace elements and paleontological data and analyzed the climate, salinity, redox conditions, and water depth during the time of Minghuazhen Formation to understand the paleoenvironment. Results indicate that the abundance of Li, Ga, Sr elements, and the ratios of Sr/Ba and Th/U trace elements, reflect that the sediments were formed in a freshwater environment. Data from the palynological assemblages sensitive to temperature and humidity, the alteration index (CIA) reflecting the weathering intensity of sedimentary rocks, and the Sr/Cu, Rb/Sr trace element ratios all indicate a warm and cold transition zone. The analysis of cobalt element content suggests that the ancient water depth ranges from 2.10 to 12.75 m, on average of 6.15 m, indicating a shallow water environment. All the contents or ratios of δU and U/Th, V/(V+Ni), V/Cr, , Ni/Co, Ce/Ce*, and Eu/Eu* reflect a weak redox environment. The joint working by the ancient climate background, stable geological structures, and gentle terrain favored the development of shallow water deltas, and the structural pattern of alternating depressions and uplifts provided a good support for the formation of large-scale oil reservoirs in the Minghuazhen Formation.


