
    Sedimentary response of the modern subaqueous Yellow River delta to channel migrations in the 1855, 1976, and 1996 diversion events

    • 摘要: 三角洲尾闾河道摆动会引起入海口位置变迁,进而导致三角洲物源供应与动力过程发生快速调整,引起三角洲沉积演化格局发生重大转变。黄河三角洲因其巨量的入海泥沙供应和频繁的尾闾河道摆动成为研究河流改道影响下三角洲沉积演化的理想区域。本研究通过系统收集前人发表的22根沉积物柱状样的测年数据与粒度资料,结合尾闾改道信息,重点探讨了1855、1976和1996年3期黄河尾闾改道事件对黄河水下三角洲沉积演化的控制机制,对比揭示了水下三角洲不同区域对同一改道事件的空间差异性响应。研究表明,1855年黄河北上重新注入渤海引起黄河水下三角洲物源的快速变化,导致黄河水下三角洲不同区域均表现出沉积物粒度细化,砂含量降低,粒度频率分布曲线由双峰转为单峰为主的特征。1976年黄河由刁口流路改道至清水沟流路,废弃刁口三角洲叶瓣粒度明显粗化,砂含量增加,沉积速率降低,海源有机质对该区有机碳埋藏的影响增加;莱州湾区域和现行河口区域由于黄河细粒泥沙的直接供给,粒度细化,砂含量减少,沉积速率增加。1996年至今黄河行水清8汊流路,刁口区域持续缺少沉积物供应,粒度继续呈现粗化趋势;莱州湾区域主要物源转为沿岸再悬浮物质,粒度粗化;现行河口区域水下三角洲受黄河泥沙直接供给,但由于输运过程中的动力分选及黄河入海泥沙的变化,浅水区及其东北部深水区呈粗化趋势。


      Abstract: The migration of deltaic river channels is a major factor affecting the sedimentary evolution pattern of the delta. Due to its large sediment supply and frequent channel migrations, the Yellow River Delta was regarded as an ideal area to address this issue. In this study, we systematically collected the age and particle size data from 22 sediment cores to explore the impacts of the three Yellow River channel migration events on the sedimentary evolution of the Yellow River subaqueous delta and spatial differences in the delta’s response to the same migration event. In 1855, the northward inflow of the Yellow River into the Bohai Bay caused changes in the sedimentary sources and sedimentary dynamics, resulting in refined sediment particle size and a shift in particle size frequency distribution curve. In 1976, the Yellow River was diverted from the Diaokou course to the Qingshuigou course, causing the particle size of abandoned Diaokou subaqueous delta to coarsen with increased sand content and decreased sedimentation rate. Interruption of the terrestrial supply increased the influence of marine organic matter on organic carbon burial. However, the direct supply of fine sediment from the Yellow River caused the fining of particle size seen in sediment cores in the Laizhou Bay and the active river mouth area. Since 1996, the Yellow River has been diverted to the Q8 course, causing a continuously coarsening trend in particle size in the Diaokou area; the main source of sediment in the Laizhou Bay area had changed to eroded coastal materials with coarsening particles; and the active subaqueous delta received the material supply from the Yellow River sediment, but the dynamic sorting during transportation caused a trend of particle coarsening in the shallow area.


