
    Erosion-siltation in the channels in Zhangjiabu Harbour, Wendeng, Shandong

    • 摘要: 山东文登张家埠港位于山东半岛南部的靖海湾,属于潮汐汊道-溺谷型海湾,研究其冲淤演变特征,对于认识这类海湾的动力地貌演变以及人类活动对海湾的影响具有一定参考价值。本文基于1980、1997、2009和2021年4年份的海图水深资料,采用GIS 技术进行等深线叠加分析和数字化定量冲淤计算,分析1980年以来张家埠港航道地区的等深线变化、平面冲淤变化及固定剖面的地形变化。结果表明:1980—2021年,张家埠港整体处于淤积态势,平均淤积厚度为1.08 m;0 m等深线整体向航道中心淤进,5 m等深线淤积变浅面积减少了67.01%;航道在塘子咀至长会口咀岸段西侧的淤积厚度远大于东侧。自1980年以来,张家埠港两侧养殖池的修建改变了当地的潮流状况,导致航道内由淤积转为侵蚀状态,长会口外的拦门沙被迫下移,张家埠港的地貌发生了深刻变化。


      Abstract: The Zhangjiabu Harbour is located in Jinghai Bay in the southern part of Shandong Peninsula, and is a tidal canal-drowned valley bay. Anatomizing the erosion-siltation characteristics is valuable for clarifying the dynamic geomorphological evolution of the harbour and the impact of human activities on the study area. Based on the bathymetric data of charts in 1980, 1997, 2009 and 2021, isobath overlay analysis, and digital quantitative erosion and siltation calculation were conducted in GIS technology. The changes of isobath, erosion and siltation, and topography profiles in the harbour since 1980 were analyzed. Results show that the harbour is currently in siltation status with an average deposition thickness of 1.08 m during 1980-2021. The 0 m isobath silted into the center of the harbour and the shallowed area by siltation at 5 m isobath was reduced by 67.01%. The deposition thickness on the west side of the harbour is much larger than that on the east side from Tangzi Spit to Changhuikou Spit. Since 1980, the construction for aquaculture on both sides of the harbour has changed the local tidal-current movement conditions, which had caused a change from siltation to erosion within the harbour and the ebb delta outside the Changhuikou Spit was pushed back, and finally, the geographical situation of Zhangjiabu Harbour has changed profoundly.


