
    Distribution characteristics and migration trend of surface sediments in Riyue Bay, Hainan, South China

    • 摘要: 海南日月湾是典型的岬角弧形海湾,海岸类型多样,底质粒级较粗。基于实测的海流、表层沉积物粒度数据,分析了海南日月湾海域表层沉积物的分布特征,计算了泥沙起动流速与表层沉积物输运通量,探讨了表层沉积物运移趋势。结果表明,研究区表层沉积物颗粒较粗,整体以含砾砂为主,其次为砾质砂、砂、砂质砾和粉砂质砂,呈圆斑状零星分布;沉积物粒级组分从最细的黏土到最粗的砾均有分布,细颗粒主要分布于研究区东侧和西侧近岸海域,粗颗粒呈NS向条带状分布于研究区中南部海域,呈现中部分选差、周边分选好的特征;研究区泥沙起动流速在近岸自东北向西南递增,在远岸自东北向西南先减小后增大,粒径对泥沙起动流速的影响大于水深,靠近分界洲岛海域,单纯的潮流作用只能使部分颗粒发生再悬浮,表层沉积物平均日净输运通量介于0.04~3.7 kg m−1 d−1,净输沙方向总体呈SW向,平均日净输运通量在东北侧海域明显高于西南侧海域,涨潮段单宽输沙率略大于落潮段单宽输沙率(R4站位除外),涨、落潮段输沙方向基本一致。


      Abstract: The Riyue Bay in Hainan, South China, is a typical headland arc-shaped bay with various types of coasts and the grain size of the substrate is relatively coarse. By analyzing the sea current and the particle size of the surface sediments obtained in 2011, the surface sediments distribution in the Riyue Bay was clarified, the incipient motion and transport fluxes of the surface sediments calculated, and the net sediment transport trend discussed. Results show that the surface sediments in the study area were relatively coarse, and were mainly composed of gravel-bearing sand, followed by gravel sand and sand, and sandy gravel and silty sand were sporadically distributed. The sediment grain sizes ranged from the clay the finest to the gravel the coarsest; fine particles distributed mainly in the east and west coastal waters of the study area, while coarse particles distributed in NS-direction stripes in the central and southern areas. In addition, the sorting was poor in the central area and good in the surroundings. The incipient velocity of sediment increases from northeast to southwest in the nearshore area, while in the offshore, it firstly decreases and then increases from northeast to southwest. The influence of particle size on the incipient velocity of sediment is greater than that of water depth. The simple tidal current action in the sea area near the Fenjiezhou Island can only cause some particles to resuspension. The incipient motion was between 22 and 39 cm/s. The average daily net transport flux of surface sediments was between 0.04 and 3.7 kg m−1 d−1. The direction of net sediment transport was generally along the direction of SW. The average daily net transport flux in the northeastern sea area was significantly higher than that in the southwestern sea area. The single width sediment transport rate during the rising tide period is slightly higher than that during the falling tide period (excluding station R4), and the sediment transport direction during the rising and falling tide periods is basically the same.


