
    Status quo and prospect of research on erodibility of viscous sediments

    • 摘要: 沉积物可侵蚀性是沉积动力学的重要研究内容,在动力地貌学、海洋工程安全与生态保护等方面均具有重要意义。分别从沉积物可侵蚀性测定方法、经验模型和影响因素3个方面对过去近60年来的黏性沉积物可侵蚀性研究成果进行了总结与分析。前人对黏性沉积物可侵蚀性与影响因素进行了大量研究并取得了丰富的研究成果,但由于黏性沉积物受自身物理化学性质、沉积环境和生物过程等综合影响,导致可侵蚀性研究复杂、困难,不同研究结果间无法形成有效对比,黏性沉积物可侵蚀性经验模型适用性受到极大限制。在总结研究现状与科学问题的基础上认为,下一步黏性沉积物可侵蚀性研究应开展更为全面且系统的实验室与实地研究以及多种方法的综合研究,提高可侵蚀性判定与影响因素识别的准确性与客观性;同时,借助理论、技术创新以及多学科交叉融合研究,深入探讨黏结力形成机理与理论量化,进一步修正与完善黏性沉积物的可侵蚀性经验模型。


      Abstract: Sediment erodibility is an important research issue of depositional dynamics, which is of great significance in dynamic geomorphology, marine engineering safety, and ecological protection. In this paper, we summarized the research results of erodibility of cohesive sediments in the past 60 years from three aspects: measurement methods of sediment erodibility, sediment erodibility empirical modelling, and influencing factors of the erodibility. Although many previous studies have been done on the erodibility and influencing factors of cohesive sediments with considerable achievements, due to the multi-factor influence from physical and chemical properties, sedimentary environment, and biological process, the erodibility of cohesive sediments is a complex and difficult issue of study. Therefore, data obtained from different research results are not well comparable, which greatly hampered the applicability of empirical models of erodibility of cohesive sediments. By reviewing the status quo of regarding scientific problems, we proposed the future direction of research on the erodibility of cohesive sediments and suggested that more comprehensive and systematic laboratory and field research shall be carried out to improve the accuracy and objectivity of erodibility determination and its influencing factor identification through comprehensive research by various methods. At the same time, under the theoretical guidance, technological innovation and interdisciplinary integration research, the formation mechanism and theoretical quantification of the adhesion shall be deeply discussed to modify and improve the erodibility empirical model of cohesive sediments.


