
    Characteristics of strike-slip faults on the western Shaleitian Uplift and their control over oil and gas accumulation

    • 摘要: 利用三维地震、钻井、测井、岩性等基础资料,对沙垒田凸起西段走滑断层平面、剖面特征进行了详细刻画,通过物理实验模拟了其形成机制,探讨了其对油气成藏各要素的控制作用。研究结果表明,沙垒田凸起西段F2走滑断裂平面、剖面特征差异较大;平面上,F2走滑断裂中深层表现为平滑孤立断层,浅层表现为由多条次级断层组成的帚状构造样式;剖面上,F2走滑断层西南段表现为“似花状”构造样式,东北段表现为简单的“Y”字形结构。物理模拟实验结果表明,F2走滑断层形成机制受先存基底断裂和断层两侧岩性的共同控制,西南段古近纪以弱伸展为主,新近纪叠加右旋强走滑作用,平面呈帚状样式,东北段古近纪表现出强伸展,新近纪叠加右旋弱走滑作用,平面呈现马尾状样式。F2走滑断裂的发育演化过程控制研究区圈闭的形态及规模,控制了研究区东营组沉积储层规模及类型,控制了研究区砂岩骨架输导体系、断裂输导体系的发育形成,改善了太古宇潜山储层物性,研究成果可为研究区下一步的勘探评价提供参考。


      Abstract: Based on the data of 3D seismic, drilling, logging and lithology, the plane and sectional characteristics of the F2 strike-slip fault in the west part of the Shaleitian Uplift are described in detail in this paper. The forming mechanism of the fault is simulated by physical experiments, and the controlling factors over oil and gas accumulation is discussed. The results show that the plane characteristics of F2 strike-slip fault in the west part of Shaleitian Uplift are quite different with its sectional features. On the plane, the middle and deep parts of the fault are smooth and isolated, and the shallow part is a broom-like fault consisting of several secondary faults. On the section, however, the southwest section of the F2 strike-slip fault shows a "flower-like" structure, whereas the northeast section is in a simple "Y" shape. The physical simulation suggests that the forming mechanism of the fault is jointly controlled by the pre-existing basement fault and the lithology of the two sides of the fault. The southwest segment is dominated by weak extension in Paleogene, superimposed by the strong dextral strike-slip in Neogene. In the plane view, however, it is in a broom shape. The northeast segment of the fault shows strong extension in Paleogene, superimposed by dextral weak strike-slip in Neogene, resulted in a horsetail style of structure. The development and evolution process of F2 strike-slip fault is the major factor controlling the shape and scale of traps in the study area, the development and formation of sandstone skeleton transport system and the fault transport system as well as the scale and type of sedimentary reservoirs of the Dongying Formation in the study area. Moreover, it may also improve the physical properties of Archean buried hill reservoirs and provide a reference for future exploration and evaluation in the study area.


