

    • 摘要: 沉积物的粒度特征受控于沉积环境的变化,是沉积学研究中的重要物理指标之一。沉积物中不同粒级的颗粒物记载了详细的物源信息及水动力活动等特征,因此,有效并快速地分离不同粒级的沉积物对古环境演化研究十分重要。沉降法是沉积物粒度分级最基本的方法,然而用沉降法对细颗粒物质含量较多的海洋沉积物进行粒度分级时,耗时久,分离效率低。离心法可以加速细颗粒物质的沉降速度,提高分离效率。因此,选择离心法对东海内陆架泥质沉积区的27个表层沉积物进行粒度分级(<2 μm,2~10 μm,10~63 μm,>63 μm)。显微镜观察结果显示不同粒级的颗粒间基本没有混染,表明离心法的分离效果较好。样品回收率在94%左右,最高可达97%以上。样品的损失量与细颗粒含量呈正相关,即细颗粒含量越多,损失量越大。与激光粒度仪测试结果对比发现,激光粒度仪对<10 μm颗粒物区分度较差,低估<2 μm颗粒物含量,高估2~10 μm颗粒物含量。本研究表明离心法可以高效地对海洋沉积物进行粒度分级。


      Abstract: The grain size of sediments, as a result of complex geological processes of weathering, transportation and deposition, is one of the most important physical indicators in sedimentological study. The size of sediment particles may document detailed information on both provenance and hydrodynamics. It is very important for paleoenvironmental study to separate sediments into different groups of grains size effectively and rapidly. Pipette method is one of the methods often used by sdedimentologists for this purpose, but for marine sediments, which are usually too fine, this method is not satisfactory enough due to its time-consuming process, much loss and low separation efficiency. Centrifugation can accelerate the settling velocity of fine particles and increase the separation efficiency. Therefore, 27 surface sediments collected from the mud area along the inner continental shelf of the East China Sea is separated into four grades (< 2 μm, 2-10 μm, 10-63 μm, >63 μm) using the centrifugal method. Microscopic observation of the samples after sizing shows that there is no mixture between different grades, indicating that the separation using the centrifugation was effective and feasible. The average recovery rate for all samples is about 94%, and the highest is over 97%. The loss of each sample is positively correlated with the content of fine particles (< 10 μm), that is, the more the fine particles contained, the greater the loss. Further comparison with the results from the laser diffraction particle size analyzer is also carried out. It shows that the laser analyzer has a poor discrimination of particles < 10 μm, underestimating of < 2 μm particles and overestimating of 2-10 μm particles. This study shows that the centrifugation can effectively and rapidly separate fine marine sediments into grain size groups.


