There are a total of 26 drilling wells in the South Yellow Sea Basin, of which 21 with a total footage of 54 502 m are drilled by China. To the west of 124°E, there is one well per 8 047 km
2 on average. The Carboniferous is the oldest sedimentary strata encountered so far in the region. There occur the Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary deposits. Carbonate, clastic rocks and coals are all available. There are 16 kinds of stratigraphic contacts and various traps, such as dissected anticlines, fault block, lens and traps sealed by lithology and unconformities. The 21 Chinese wells are located in the three districts, they are the Southern Depression, the Northern Depression and the Wunansha Uplift of the South Yellow Sea Basin. In the well of CZ6-1-1 there gained 2.45 tons of light oil and in the well of ZC1-2-1 light crude oil is found in shale fractures. Oil and gas shows are observed in other three wells. Based on the data mentioned above, we put forward some suggestions about drilling Paleozoic parameter wells.