
    Homogeneous temperature of plagioclase melt inclusions in volcanic rocks from the Mariana Trough and its implication to magma evolution

    • 摘要: 马里亚纳海槽南部安山岩(H5-T3-2)中斜长石结晶温度主要集中在1 050~1 150 ℃,未受到后期岩浆演化的影响。马里亚纳海槽中部玄武质安山岩(H5-T1-3)中斜长石结晶温度主要集中在900~1 050 ℃;英安岩(H5-T1-1)中斜长石结晶温度主要集中在1 050~1 150 ℃。马里亚纳海槽18°N附近玄武岩(H5-T2-2、H5-T2-3)斜长石中熔体包裹体的均一温度主要集中在1 050~1 150 ℃,并呈连续降温趋势,只有少部分在1 000~1 050 ℃的较低温度结晶,边缘部An值骤降则反映岩浆喷出快速冷却的过程;玄武质安山岩(H5-T2-1)斜长石中熔体包裹体的均一温度具有“双峰”式特征,主要分布在850~950 ℃和1 050~1 150 ℃ 2个温度范围。结合斜长石的环带特征及其An值变化特征,分析结果表明,该斜长石有2个明显不同的结晶阶段,发生了岩浆混合作用,且在马里亚纳海槽浅部可能存在温度约为850~950 ℃的岩浆房,岩浆到达浅部岩浆房后发生岩浆混合,最终喷出洋底。马里亚纳海槽18°N附近的岩浆演化过程较为复杂,发生了不同周期的岩浆演化过程。


      Abstract: The crystallization temperatures of plagioclase melt inclusions in volcanic rocks from the Mariana Trough was studied. Results show that those in andesite (H5-T3-2) from the southern Mariana Trough are mainly in 1 050~1 150 ℃ and did not affected by later magmatic evolution; those in basaltic andesite (H5-T1-3) from the central Mariana Trough are mainly 900~1 050 ℃; and those in dacite (H5-T1-1) are mainly 1 050~1 150 ℃. The homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions in basalt (H5-T2-2, H5-T2-3) plagioclase near 18°N in the Mariana Trough are mainly 1 050~1 150 ℃, showing a continuous cooling trend, and only a small part crystallizes at a lower temperature of 1 000~1 050 ℃, and the sudden drop in the An value at the edge of plagioclase phenocryst reflects a rapid cooling of the magma ejection. In addition, the homogenization temperature of the melt inclusions in basalt andesite (H5-T2-1) plagioclase showed the characteristics of "bimodal" pattern of 850~950 ℃ and 1 050~1 150 ℃. The banding characteristics and the An value variation of plagioclase indicate that the plagioclase experienced two distinct crystallization stages and magma mixing, and there might be a magma chamber in the shallow part of the Mariana Trough, where the magma chamber temperature is about 850~950 ℃. The magmatic evolution process near 18°N in the Mariana Trough is complex, and different periods of magmatic evolution may occur.


