
    Petroleum geological characteristics and progress of exploration and development in offshore basins of China

    • 摘要: 通过半个多世纪的海洋油气勘探实践与科技创新,中国近海盆地油气勘探开发取得了长足进展和里程碑式的突破。2010年,中国海洋油气年产量突破5 000×104 t油当量大关,实现了建成“海上大庆”的目标。2011年以来,中国近海油气勘探开发进入了高速发展阶段,海域油气产量增长迅猛,目前,渤海盆地原油年产量已超过3 000×104 t且油气产能还在递增。系统阐明了中国近海含油气盆地构造结构类型、沉积充填特征、油气成因类型及烃源供给关系、油气成藏组合类型及运聚成藏模式等基本油气地质特点,概括分析了中国近海主要盆地油气(水合物)勘探开发进展,以期为挖掘已获得重大发现的盆地的剩余资源以及有效指导新盆地油气的高效勘探开发提供借鉴。


      Abstract: In the past over 50 years of offshore oil-gas exploration practice, technological innovations and progresses in this regard in China have made great progresses with many major breakthroughs. Especially, since 2011, it welcomed a quick development. In 2010, the annual offshore oil-gas production of China exceeded 50 million tons of oil equivalent, including more than 30 million tons of crude oil from the Bohai Basin, which realized the goal of building an "Offshore Daqing", and oil-gas production in China’s sea areas has been growing rapidly. In this review, we systematically summarized the basic petroleum geological features of China offshore oil-gas resources in terms of petroliferous basin sedimentary characteristics, tectonic structure types, genetic types of oil and gas, hydrocarbon source supply, combination type of hydrocarbon accumulation, and accumulation model. In addition, we briefly reviewed the progresses in oil-gas (including hydrate) exploration and development in the main offshore basins in China, provided some important references for further exploration and development of the remaining oil and gas resources in more-mature basins to guide more efficient oil-gas exploration and development in low-mature basins.


